Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Aug 10th Open House

The first public open house was a huge success. At least 85 people attended the presentation given by Lee Einsweiler. The presentation introduced members of the general public to the project, explained the charrette process, and included some “food for thought” on best practices in downtown planning and coding. Following the presentation, there was a Q&A session where members of the general public asked specific questions about the project ahead. While in Simsbury, members of the consultant team met with a variety of focus groups representing property owners, business owners, developers and community groups. The consultants also participated in a walking tour of downtown.


  1. The process is rigged as the consultants have a pre-existing idea of what the solution should look like (see the presentation). We are supposed to be dazzled by jargon like "hardscape" and "place" but what we really have are all the usual issues of streets, parking, traffic and businesses.

    An inventory of vacant business space in the town center (by a professional in commercial real estate) would help balance reality with these pretty pictures.

  2. If you feel it has been rigged then make sure you are there to offer your insight.

